Sports Betting Systems

Betting Kings follows a disciplined 30-day investment strategy that is proven to deliver results month after month. In sports investing, it is crtical to follow a strategy and money management system. If you would like to learn more, please email us at and we will connect you with one of our Sports Investment Consultants.   

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Martingale System

If you are trying to create your own system, one of the most basic systems is the Martingale System. Bet an amount on a team but if you lose that bet, bet double the next night on the same team. If they lose again, bet double again. Eventually they’ll win and you’ll cover your losses and make a profit. Then rinse and repeat.

On the surface, that makes some sense. On the surface, you’d only get cleaned out if there was some kind of a crazy streak but those rarely happen in sports. But you have to do the math to really understand how this system works and make sure you have enough money in your investment account to support the system play.

Let’s say your betting balance is at $1000 and you bet $50 per game. So if you lose the first night, you bet $100 the next, then $200, then $400, then $800 and then $1600. At this point, you’re not looking at a crazy streak. All it takes is a six-game losing streak before you’re down $600. Of course, you could start smaller at $25, but that only saves you one loss. And what if you’re betting a sport like baseball or hockey where you’re dealing with moneylines? If you have to lay juice each time – and different amounts – either your bankroll shrinks faster or your profits are smaller (say if the line is -140 instead of EVEN or -110).

This isn’t really betting on sports with a strategy; this is just throwing darts. And that’s why no serious bettor every follows this system. 

Many handicappers boast a “26-1 systems record”. It may sound like a phenomenal record, but one loss actually puts you even for the season as you have to outlay so much money in each systems play.

Betting Against the Public

This is one of the most popular strategies out there and for the most part, it makes sense. The public mostly loses and the house usually wins, right? So if you can end up on the same side as the house and avoid betting on the side the public likes, then you’re golden. However, that’s much easier said then done.

For starters, we don’t really have access to what the public is doing – even if certain services will tell you that they know. The public isn’t one person or one entity, and there are so many different places to bet that you can’t get a definitive answer. Can a smart sports bettor or a professional give you a pretty good prediction of where the public will bet? Of course. But can they do that for every game? Will you be betting against – or trying to bet against – the public for every single game on the board? And for every sport? That’s exactly how a sports bet functions as they’ll take action on whatever line is up. For you to mimic that and bet against the public, you’d have to get down on every game.

Obviously, that’s unrealistic. For anyone to tell you to follow a system and bet against the public is just searching for fool’s gold. What you can do is get a good gauge of who is on which side and use it as a tool to reinforce or weaken your position on a game. That’s about it.

Other Systems

A quick Google search will uncover all sorts of betting systems. You’ll see some outrageous winning percentage along with phony testimonials of customers claiming to have gotten rich following the system. The bottom line is that it doesn’t work. Sports betting isn’t something that is overly predictable where a rigid, set-in-stone system with basic parameters can spit out winners for you. Can a well-designed algorithm project where the betting line should be and highlight good value? Sure. An MIT grad could whip one up. But anyone promising huge gains with minimal effort via whatever name they want to call is just being a salesmen. You’re better off avoiding that and following a discplined strategy with proven results.